” The 1st Bladeless Lasik Centre in Thane “
What is INTRALASE Method?
The IntraLase method is a 100% blade-free approach to creating your LASIK flap-the thin flap of tissue that the doctor folds back in order to perform your LASIK procedure. The IntraLase method can only be performed using the IntraLase Laser.
Traditionally, doctors have used an instrument called a microkeratome for the creation of LASIK flaps. The microkeratome is a handheld blade that moves across the eye, cutting the LASIK flap as it goes. LASIK is extremely safe, but if complications do occur, the microkeratome is frequently the cause.
The IntraLase method by contrast, enables your doctor to create an individualized LASIK flap without a blade ever touching your eye.
Intralase Method-For a Blade-free Lasik Experience