Anil Eye Care Hospital

Frequently Asked Questions On Cataract Surgery

1. Is cataract found only in older people?

Most cataracts are age-related- they happen because of normal changes in your eyes as you get old. But you can get cataracts for other reasons too-like after an eye injury or after surgery for another eye problem( like glaucoma, RD). Treatment for cataracts is always surgery.

2. Is cataract surgery serious?

Cataract surgery is serious because it requires very highly skilled surgeons, high online casinos South Africa technology and an excellent Operation theatre. But the results are excellent and the visualm outcomes are very good if the rest of the eye for eg, cornea, retina & optic nerve are normal.

3. How is a cataract removed? During cataract surgery, the surgeon removes the clouded lens with speacial laser & a preocedure called phacoemulsification and replaces it with an artificial lens implant. The new lens is clear, shaped to fit your eye and personalized to your vision needs.

4. What is a Secondary cataract?

A Secondary cataract, also known as posterior capsule opacification, is the most common complication after cataract surgery. It happens in 3-50% of cases after cataract surgery. It may happen as a result of the migration and proliferation of the epithelial cells that lead to reduced visual activity. It can be easily treated with laser.

5. How much does cataract surgery cost?

Prices may vary depending upon the type of surgery, type of lens the type of technology used , etc.

“Health is a state of complete harmony of the body, mind and spirit. When one is free from physical disabilities and mental distractions, the gates of the soul open.” – B.K.S. Iyengar

6. Are there different types of cataract surgery?

There are two types of cataract surgery. Your doctor can explain the differences and help determine which is better for you: 1. Small incision cataract surgery 2. Phacoemulsification. 3 Robotic surgery called Femtosecond Laser assisted Cataract surgery


7. Are you awake during cataract surgery?

The procedure itself usually last less than fifteen minutes and is virtually painless. Typically, patients are awake during cataract surgery. Not even an injection is needed if the patient is cooperative to look at a given light & if the cataract is not very hard.


8. Can cataract surgery fix astigmatism?

Yes, it can be corrected during your advanced laser cataract procedure. Toric IOL is an option.


9. Can cataract surgery be performed on both eyes at the same time?

If you have cataracts in both eyes, surgery typically is performed on one eye, and then a few days later, it’s performed on the other eye.


10. Can cataracts cause blindness?

Over time, cataracts will continue to develop and eventually, lead to reduced vision and potentially blindness. However, unlike other forms of blindness that result in permanent vision loss, it is possible to restore vision with cataract surgery and implanting IOL.

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